How we treat constipation in Guelph
Our experienced team of naturopaths helps people with constipation in Guelph and the surrounding area. Constipation is not a disease but rather a symptom. Numerous factors cause chronic constipation, therefore, there’s no “one treatment fits all” approach. Every person is unique and requires their own individual treatment. Our approach typically involves exploring the following:

- Identify food sensitivities – Food sensitivities (not to be confused with food allergies) are a common cause of chronic constipation. These food intolerances are usually caused by an immune reaction involving IgG antibodies that can be identified using a blood test (1-3). Elimination diets can also help identify the culprits. (4)
- Promote digestion – Sluggish digestion can cause food to sit in the digestive tract. Certain herbs can help stimulate digestion and ensure the rapid breakdown and descent of food.
- Bulking agents – Certain fiber-rich foods can improve stool consistency, thus promoting regularity.
- Osmotic laxatives – Dry stools become difficult to pass. Some minerals can help pull water into the bowels helping to hydrate the stool.
- Manage stress – Although stress is not the primary cause of constipation, it can aggravate and precipitate episodes. Stress management may help improve constipation. (4, 5)
- Improve gut flora – Some “bad” bacteria produce methane gas that inhibits peristalsis and leads to constipation.(6) Reducing these “bad” bacteria and supplementing with “good” bacteria can help resolve constipation.
- Remove bloating – Herbs rich in essential oils can help reduce symptoms associated with constipation including bloating and gas.
Who can help relieve your constipation in Guelph area?
Dr. Matt Gowan is a naturopathic doctor with over 15 years of clinical experience. He has a special interest in digestive conditions including bloating, IBS, colitis, heartburn, diarrhea, infantile colic, and constipation. In addition, he is a professor, author, and researcher. He currently sees patients at Guelph Naturopathic Medical Clinic. Please contact him to get help with your constipation in Guelph.
Disclaimer: This content is subject to change. The information is intended to inform and educate; it does not replace the medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. © 2018 Guelph Naturopathic Medical Clinic. All rights reserved.